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B.Sc.International Politics and Development Studies

Studiengebühren 2.954 € pro Jahr
Bewerbungsgebühr 100 € einmalig
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With the global demand for development specialists, the International Politics and Development Studies program, being one of the rare BA level programs of its kind in Europe (and practically sole in Eastern Europe) is unique in that it, in addition to providing classical Political Science education, lays fundamentals of development theories and practice, all this with a focus on one of the developing regions. Currently, the Program covers the Middle East and former Soviet Union but is foreseen to expand to include Latin America. In connection with this, students are given the opportunity to study one of the area languages (such as Arabic, Turkish and Russian) for four semesters. During their studies, students are required to do internship at relevant institutions, something that enhances their practical skills and ability to put theory into practice.

As the program is physically set in Lithuania, through its teaching staff as well as students it ingeniously combines the Western European expertise and Eastern European experiences.


1 year
I semester

Introduction to Development Studies – 5;
Political Systems – 6;
International Relations and Governance – 6;
Required specialized language (Russian or Arabic) – 6;
A, B, D courses* – 8;

II semester
Studies of Colonialism and Post-Colonialism – 5;
Development Politics and Strategies of International Organizations – 5;
Human Rights and Democratization – 5;
Required specialized language (Russian or Arabic) – 6;
A, B, D courses* – 8;

2 year
I semester
Public Policy Process – 6;
Regional Development – 5;
Micro and Macro Economics – 5;
Required specialized language (Russian or Arabic) – 6;
A, B, D courses* – 8;

II semester
Social Research Methodology – 6;
Civic Empowerment and Mobilization – 5;
Diplomacy and International Law – 5;
Environment and society (elective subject) – 4;
Required specialized language (Russian or Arabic) – 6;
A, B, D courses* – 4;

3 year
I semester
Comparative Politics – 6;
Theories of Social Transformation – 6;
International Political Economy – 5;
Political Communication – 5;
Development and Neighbourhood Policy of the European Union – 5;

II semester
Politics of Post-Soviet States – 6;
Conflict Resolution in Developing Countries – 6;
NGO and Philantrophy – 5;

4 year
I semester
Politics of Middle East and North African States – 6;
Project Planning and Management – 6;
Politics of Minorities – 5;
Sociology of Developing States – 5;

II semester
Practical activity – 15;
Final Thesis – 15;


Graduates of the International Politics and Development Studies program will be able to work as either analysts, political advisors, or project managers in:

-EU, UN and other international organizations and institutions;
-national public sector institutions;
-national and international non-governmental organizations;
-media and other public information agencies,
-research centers, think tanks, public opinion and political research institutions.

Alternatively, they may further pursue their studies in more specialized Master’s programs in political science and other social sciences or humanities.

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