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M.A.Philology and applied linguistics

Tuition fee €2,900 per year
Application fee €100 one-time
Registration fee To be confirmed

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The aim of the academic master’s study programme is:

provide students with the opportunity of acquisition of theoretical knowledge and research skills and prepare theoretically educated, independent, creative, competent, academically educated in the selected research branch and sub-branch professionals who are able to produce independent scientific research and continue studies in doctoral study programmes in literary or linguistic science.

The tasks of the academic master’s study programme are:

to encourage students to apply their theoretical knowledge, cognitive and research skills individually for solution of particular problems; to extend theoretical knowledge in linguistics and literary science providing a wide research context of philological and interdisciplinary studies; to form competences of critical evaluation of the acquired theoretical knowledge and creatively apply them in students’ academic work; to develop understanding of the unity of theory and practice in scientific and practical activity and facilitate independent research work; to develop students’ skills of independent inquiry and research work preparing them for further studies in doctoral study programmes; to develop problem solving abilities in a new or unfamiliar environment as well as in a wider or multidisciplinary context; to improve research work skills and prepare students for creative research work and original solutions; to develop students’ interest in research work; to secure opportunities of practical application of the acquired knowledge by participating in projects and presenting the research work results in seminars and conferences; to systematically improve the information and materially technical base of the study process; to motivate students to proceed with their research work by studying in doctoral study programmes. As a result of the programme’s acquisition, the graduate will acquire and be able to demonstrate:


Students demonstrate deeper knowledge and understanding that correspond to recent findings of linguistics and literary science and that provide the basis for creative thinking and research including interdisciplinary studies.


Students are able to:

independently apply theory, methods and problem solving skills to produce research work or highly qualified professional functions;
argue and discuss complex or systemic aspects of linguistics and literary science both with specialists and non-specialists;
work independently at improving their own competences and specialization, assume responsibility for the results of group work and their analysis;
carry out work, research or further learning in linguistics and literary science under complicated and unpredictable conditions and modify them by applying new approaches.

Students are able to:

independently formulate and critically analyze scientific problems, justify decisions and, if necessary, produce additional analysis;
integrate knowledge of diverse fields, contribute to creating new knowledge, develop research methods;
demonstrate understanding and ethical responsibility for the possible impact of the achievements of science on society.

Apply now! Fall semester 2024
This is a rolling intake - applications are accepted all year round.
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Fall semester 2024
This is a rolling intake - applications are accepted all year round.
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
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