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M.Sc.Food Science and Nutrition

Tuition fee €5,157 per year
Application fee €100 one-time
Registration fee To be confirmed

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*Do not forget to ask discount


This programme is designed for preparation of wide profile food science specialists both for food industry and the companies performing research of food products and development of new products enriched by advanced natural antioxidants, antimicrobial substances, rheological characteristics and texture of various components. The first and most modern in Lithuania Food Science and Technology Competence Centre facilitates students’ research and applied competences using four unique semi-industrial lines of food technologies (bread, beer, meat, fish, dairy products).
The Master + model offers either to masterpiece in the chosen discipline by choosing the Field Expert track or to strengthen the interdisciplinary skills by choosing the Interdisciplinary Expert track emphasising managerial skills or a choice of a different competence to compliment the chosen discipline and achieve a competitive advantage in one’s career.

Programme structure

Management of food safety and quality
Management of food safety and quality
Food safety and toxicology
Food safety legislation

Development of new food products and technologies
Food technologies
Food biotechnologies
Development of new food products
New processing methods for food products
Food additives
Research work
Knowledge about composition of food products
Higher chemistry in food
Food technologies
Food additives

Ability to plan work, make conclusions and summarize the achieved results
Research work

Career opportunities

Graduates are easily employed by the companies of food industry or the institutions related to research of food products
Employers value the programme’s graduates, because they are able to rapidly find solutions to the problems arising during production and product control.

Apply now! Fall semester 2024
This is a rolling intake - applications are accepted all year round.
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024
Apply now! Fall semester 2024
This is a rolling intake - applications are accepted all year round.
Studies commence
16 Sept 2024