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Psychology - Psychosocial Disciplines

Tuition fee €9,450 per year


The BSc in Psychology – Psychosocial Disciplines (Corso di Laurea Triennale in Psicologia – Discipline) course offered by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO combines the scientific knowledge from psychological research and cognitive neurosciences with the knowledge from the heritage of humanistic and education sciences.
The programme focuses on the acquisition of professional-technical tools that are essential to enter the labour market. Therefore, this course favours the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the development of professional skills that can be used in many operational settings such as psycho-social consulting, psychometric assessment, human resources management, training and guidance, healthcare and welfare within public as well as private structures.

Programme structure

The course offers the opportunity to study fundamental issues in this discipline such as the study of intra-psychic structures and processes, the dynamics characterising human relations and the psycho-physiological mechanisms on which behaviour is based.
The study of these issues aims to integrate individual and team-work activities to acquire the theoretical foundations of general, social and development psychology and suitable operational skills, such as the psycho-social survey methodology, statistical methods and skills related to communication and information technologies.
The course is delivered 100% on-campus with full access to state-of-the art facilities. Students will also have additional access to course and reading materials via the UNINETTUNO platform.

Career opportunities

The BSc in Psychology course has been designed to provide the necessary knowledge of human behaviour in various physiological processes, with a combination of psychology and basic cognitive science that provides a clear understanding of human nature.
You will earn a bachelor’s degree with 180 European University Credits (ECTS). This helps student mobility in the EU when it comes to transferring credits from one higher education institution to another.

The course prepares students for roles in care and welfare and in the field of development, rehabilitation and support in educational processes. Students will be able to work for various organisations including in the clinical and community sectors.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment