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Political Science

Colegiatura 30.180 US$ por año

Engeneering, Computer Science, Health Science 32000$

Costo de inscripción 50 US$ una vez
Costo de registro Por confirmarse

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This degree focuses on political science studies.

Estructura del curso

1st year

2 First Year Seminar
3 Critical Analysis
3 College Composition 3 Public PolicyAnalysis
3 History Without Borders
3 Introduction to Psychology
3 Intro to Philosophy
3 Microeconomics
3 Sacred Scriptures
or Macroeconomics
3 Intro to US Government
0 Orientation
3 Basic Sociology
3 Microeconomics or Macroeconomics
3 Intro to International Relations

2nd year

3 Public Speaking
3 Foreign Language
3 Theology II Series
3 Literature Series
3 Philosophy II Series
3 Comparative Government
3 Foreign Language
3 History of US 1865 to Present
3 Math
3 History of US to 1865
3 Upper Level Political Science

3rd year

3 Theology or Phil III Series
3 FineArt Series
3 Political Theory
3 Science
3 Cognate
3 Statistics
3 Upper Level Political Science
3 Upper Level Political Science
6 Elective
3 United Nations Practicum
1 Leadership Seminar

4th year

3 Political Sci. Senior Seminar
3 Senior Seminar
3 Upper Level Political Science
3 Upper Level Political Science
6 Elective
2 Elective
3 Cognates
6 Cognates

Oportunidades profesionales

foreign service  
the legal profession  
nonprofit/advocacy groups  
politics and government   

¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de otoño 2024
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Inicio de estudios
16 sept 2024
¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de otoño 2024
Esta es una matrícula continua y se aceptan solicitudes todo el año.
Inicio de estudios
16 sept 2024