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Colegiatura 13.500 € por año
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Organisations today are using business analytics for their decision-making purposes.

The need for analytics is growing due to the abundance of data available. Business analytics includes quantitative and statistical analysis, machine learning, multivariate testing, predictive modelling, and multiple-criteria evaluation and decision support. It uses data to evaluate past performances and to draw up plans for the future.

In business analytics, we examine data through operational and statistical analysis, optimisation techniques, and the formation of predictive models. We communicate the results to business partners, customers, etc., in the most suitable way for the given task.

Business analytics leverages evidence-based data analysis and quantitative methods for decision-making and business modelling. It also utilises expert knowledge and qualitative data through soft computing methods to build models that are representative enough of the studied systems and their context. We aim to provide business intelligence, insights into business and industry processes, and advanced managerial decision support.

As a graduate from this programme, you will be in high demand and have access to interesting positions in business and industry.

Your studies in this programme will focus on theoretical knowledge and technical skills in relevant business analytics methods, including data analytics, modelling, simulation, and multiple-criteria decision-making and evaluation methods and their practical use on real-world data in a real-world business or industry context. The software and tools applied during the course are standard in the industry.

Estructura del curso

The Master’s Programme in Business Analytics is a two-year programme leading to the degree of Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration, M.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.).

It is 120 ECTS credits and includes core, advanced specialisation and language studies as well as a Master’s thesis.

Oportunidades profesionales

As a graduate, you will be a perfect fit for the business development and business analytics teams of global corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Hands-on skills in business analytics are in very high demand globally – there is a great shortage of business analytics professionals on the market.

The programme is practical and career-oriented and gives you a unique multi-disciplinary education in technology and business, which is highly valued in the corporate world and industry.

You will be prepared for a career in business analytics and analytical business development as an analytics professional in an industrial or service company or as a consultant.

Entrepreneurship is also a realistic possibility with the pragmatic skill set you will acquire.

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30 sept 2024, 23:59:59
hora de Europa oriental
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7 oct 2024
¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de otoño 2024
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30 sept 2024, 23:59:59
hora de Europa oriental
Inicio de estudios
7 oct 2024
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