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M.B.A. in Business Analytics (M.B.A.-B.An.)

Colegiatura 7.200 US$ por año


The Business Analytics major combines an M.B.A. core with a specialization in analyzing data systems. Students develop the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for the methodical exploration of data from a business or organization. In addition to the theoretical instruction, the business analytics courses have a hands-on component using practical exercises using SAP, Quickbooks, and databases, which will allow you to gain real-world experience as well as demonstrate to employers that you know how to apply your classroom learning in the field. This concentration is non-quantitative and does not require a computer science background. *Must have a Microsoft Windows OS PC or laptop to install SQL. Software provided.

¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de otoño 2024
Esta es una matrícula continua y se aceptan solicitudes todo el año.
Inicio de estudios
16 sept 2024
¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de otoño 2024
Esta es una matrícula continua y se aceptan solicitudes todo el año.
Inicio de estudios
16 sept 2024