Logo of British Summer School

Adevntures (10-16yrs)

Colegiatura 1.575 GBP por programa


This course is available to students aged between 10 and 16 and focuses stimulating students’ sense of adventure through practical outdoor lessons. The course includes a weekly visit to an outdoor activity centre.


Centre: Worth

10-16 years

20 hours of lessons per week

English Levels: from A1 to C1

Core English

Learning & Innovation

Focus Adventure

Sports & Leisure

Evening Entertainment

True Me

Estructura del curso

Students can stay for any number of weeks. The recommended minimum stay is 2 weeks.

30 June-6 July

7-13 July

14-20 July

21-27 July

28 July-3 August

4-10 August

Residential course: £1,575 per week. Fee includes:


BSS Experience featuring True Me

Excursion Programme


Meals (full board)

Sports & Leisure Programme

Transfers (standard days from selected airports / train stations)

Travel insurance

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16 sept 2024
¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de otoño 2024
Esta es una matrícula continua y se aceptan solicitudes todo el año.
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16 sept 2024
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