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The theoretical area includes practical substantiation of general knowledge, analysis, synthesis and dissemination of information, assessment of diversity, multiculturalism and international space, social responsibility, decision-making.
The professional area includes the planning and implementation of professional activities, evaluation of results, communication or cooperation, development of practical activities, professional behavior and development, quality of services provided.
During the studies, students perform professional practice in various rehabilitation institutions in Utena, Druskininkai, Birštonas, Vilnius and others.

Estructura del curso

1. Knowledge and its application . The graduate is able to apply knowledge of:

1.1. the development of the rehabilitation profession, theories and principles of rehabilitation, physical medicine, physical activity and movement, 1.2. methods of examination, assessment and treatment of the client or patient in relation to movement, physical and functional activity at all ages;

1.3. the basics of applied research methodology and ethical principles, research planning, execution, qualitative and quantitative methods, data collection, collection and analysis;

1.4. critical appraisal of theories and principles of behavior and communication, human rights and national health and rehabilitation policies, work organization, organizational functioning, professional communication and cooperation.

2. Ability to conduct research. Graduate:

2.1. is able to perform practice-oriented empirical research: collect and systematize information, properly formulate the problem, select and apply qualitative and quantitative research methods, in accordance with the principles of research ethics to collect, accumulate and analyze research data, formulate research conclusions;

2.2. is able to apply the results of the research in solving problems in the field of rehabilitation, developing professional activities, implementing innovations in health care and rehabilitation.

3. Social skills. Graduate:

3.1. is able to communicate and collaborate to create a full communication relationship with a group of clients or patients, the community, colleagues and work responsibly in a team;

3.2. is able to express his / her thoughts orally and in writing, to communicate in a professional environment in Latvian and a foreign language;

3.3. is able to generate new ideas in his / her practical activities, to adapt to new situations;

3.4. is able to take responsibility for the quality of his / her and his / her subordinates’ activities in accordance with professional ethics and citizenship;

3.5. is able to strengthen the image of the rehabilitation profession, take care of its value and importance.

4. Personal abilities. Graduate:

4.1. is able to critically evaluate his / her professional practice, knowledge and values, reflect on his / her development as a professional in lifelong learning;
4.2. is able to make decisions independently, assess their need and act in a defined situation, using practical knowledge;
4.3. is able to use information technologies, handle confidential information;
4.4. is able to take care of the strengthening of one’s professional self-awareness, the development of character traits adequate to the profession.
5. Special abilities. Graduate:
5.1. is able to identify and assess the needs and strengths of the client or patient (group, community), plan, execute and evaluate the work process and its results, apply various methods, build relationships of mutual trust, represent the rights and interests of clients or patients;
5.2. be able to complete, collect and analyze professional documentation;
5.3. is able to select and apply appropriate techniques, tools and methods of functional and physical examination of a person;
5.4. is able to follow the principles of ensuring equal opportunities, recognition of diversity, values ​​of health care and rehabilitation, ethics and the principle of professional responsibility in practical activities;
5.5. is able to analyze problems related to a person’s psychosocial, cognitive, emotional, physical condition and dysfunction;
5.6. is able to integrate science-based research into practice in the fields of prevention, health, treatment, rehabilitation and rehabilitation;
5.7. is able to evaluate and analyze the results of professional activities in cooperation with the client or patient, family members;
5.8. is able to demonstrate the principles of professional ethics and conduct.

Oportunidades profesionales

Graduates will be able to work in personal health care institutions of all levels of health care, social rehabilitation and rehabilitation, education and training institutions, care and nursing institutions, health and sports centers and clubs, and engage in private practice.

¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de verano 2025
Fecha límite de solicitud
13 nov 2024, 23:59:59
hora de Europa oriental

Winter intake

Inicio de estudios
4 feb 2025
¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de otoño 2024
Esta es una matrícula continua y se aceptan solicitudes todo el año.
Inicio de estudios
16 sept 2024
¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de verano 2025
Fecha límite de solicitud
13 nov 2024, 23:59:59
hora de Europa oriental

Winter intake

Inicio de estudios
4 feb 2025
¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de otoño 2024
Esta es una matrícula continua y se aceptan solicitudes todo el año.
Inicio de estudios
16 sept 2024