Logo of Liepaja University (LiepU) with RTU

MAInformation Technology (2 years)

Frais de scolarité 4 500 € par année
Frais de candidature 150 € paiement unique
Caution 250 € paiement unique
Frais d'inscription À confirmer

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You become a part of student union and ambassador program automatically after you will get Base or Standard or VIP status.

*Do not forget to ask discount


The Professional Master’s study programme “Information technology” aim is to educate high qualification specialists for professional activity in the field of Technologies and Telecommunication with specialization in Management of Information Technology projects.

Structure du programme

The student receives professional qualification of the professional Master degree, when he has fully acquired the study programme, has obtained practical skills during implementation of qualification and Master practices, has elaborated and successfully defended the diploma project and the master paper.
Information technology project manager acquires knowledge and skills, which are necessary for elaboration and introduction of the necessary software, planning, organizing and monitoring of maintenance projects, as well as for implementation of information technology consultations or system audit projects, and management according to the branch standards and quality requirements.

Opportunités de carrière

After obtaining Professional Master’s degree graduates can work in organizations that carry out software development, deployment, maintenance, providing information technology consulting and information systems audit. Graduates can continue their education in Liepaja University doctoral “E-learning technology and management” study programme or in other Latvian universities or abroad.

Postuler maintenant ! Semestre de printemps 2025
Date limite de candidature
13 nov. 2024, 23:59:59
heure d’Europe de l’Est

Winter intake

Début des cours
4 févr. 2025
Postuler maintenant ! Semestre d'automne 2024
C'est une session continue. Les candidatures sont acceptées toute l'année.
Début des cours
16 sept. 2024
Postuler maintenant ! Semestre de printemps 2025
Date limite de candidature
13 nov. 2024, 23:59:59
heure d’Europe de l’Est

Winter intake

Début des cours
4 févr. 2025
Postuler maintenant ! Semestre d'automne 2024
C'est une session continue. Les candidatures sont acceptées toute l'année.
Début des cours
16 sept. 2024