Logo of Gannon University

Forensic Science

Frais de scolarité 30 180 $US par année

Engeneering, Computer Science, Health Science 32000$

Frais de candidature 50 $US paiement unique
Frais d'inscription À confirmer

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Plus d'informations



This degree focuses on Forensic Science.

Structure du programme

1st year

2 First Year Seminar 3 Critical Analysis & Comp
3 College Composition
4 General Chemistry II and Lab
4 General Chemistry I and Lab
3 Sacred Scriptures
3 Calculus I
3 Calculus II
4 Mol & Cell Biology and Lab
4 Animal Form & Function & Lab

2nd year

4 Organic Chemistry I and Lab
4 Organic Chemistry II and Lab
4 General Physics III & Lab
4 General Physics IV & Lab
3 Intro to Psychology
3 Introduction to Philosophy 4 Forensic Biology and Lab 3 Criminalistics I
3 Applied Statistics

3rd year

3 Investigative Concepts
1 Leadership Seminar 4 Specialized Science Elective
5 Intro to Modern Anal Chem & Lab 4 Specialized Science Elective
3 Theology II Series
3 Criminal Law and Process
3 Philosophy II Series
3 Theology or Philosophy III Series
4 Forensic Chemistry and Lab
2 Forensic Microscopy

4th year

3 Fine Arts 3 Senior Capstone
3 Criminal Evidence
4 Advanced Forensic Science and Lab/ Expert Witnessing
4 Structural Biochemistry and Lab
4 Specialized Science Elective
3 History without Borders
4 Specialized Science Elective
3 Literature Series 3 Specialized Science Elective

Opportunités de carrière

animal drug testing laboratory
crime scene investigator
criminalistics laboratory scientist  
DEA laboratory
dental school
entry-level technical positions with an environmental or health focus
forensic laboratory scientist
law school
master’s or Ph.D. programs
medical examiner laboratory
medical school
Olympics testing laboratory
toxicology laboratory

Postuler maintenant ! Semestre d'automne 2024
C'est une session continue. Les candidatures sont acceptées toute l'année.
Début des cours
16 sept. 2024
Postuler maintenant ! Semestre d'automne 2024
C'est une session continue. Les candidatures sont acceptées toute l'année.
Début des cours
16 sept. 2024