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B.Sc.International Business

Frais de scolarité 3 620 € par année
Frais de candidature 100 € paiement unique
Frais d'inscription À confirmer

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*Do not forget to ask discount


The key feature of the International Business studies is a strong orientation towards real-life topics and problem-solving approaches, development of analytical and communication skills. Taught subjects are devised in such a way as to ensure active learning both of the conveyed knowledge and of the essential skills.

Structure du programme

1 semester

Compulsory courses

Introduction to Business
Art of Negotiation
Business English I
General Education Module

2 semester

Compulsory courses

Business Mathematics
Business Statistics I
Business English II
General Education Module
Optional courses (5 ECTS)
International Protocol
Business Psychology
Public Speaking

3 semester

Compulsory courses

Business Statistics II
Human Resource Management
General Education Module
Optional courses (5ECTS)
Organizational Communication
Service Business

4 semester

Compulsory courses

Knowledge and Innovation Management
Business Research
Intercultural Management and
Business Law
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Optional courses (5 ECTS)

5 semester

Compulsory courses
Strategic Management
Quantitative Business Decisions
Corporate Finance
Project Management
Optional courses (5 ECTS)
Digital Marketing
Quality Management

6 semester

Compulsory courses

International Business
Course Paper
International Economics and Trade
Financial Markets and Investments
Financial Management
Optional courses (5 ECTS)
Emerging Markets
Comparative Economics
Family Business

7 semester

Compulsory courses
Professional Internship
Bachelor Thesis

Opportunités de carrière

Destination surveys show that graduates of International Business studies have good career opportunities in finance and insurance, trade and marketing, human resource management, e-business, private or public management in general. Many of programme graduates start up their own business ventures.

Postuler maintenant ! Semestre de printemps 2025
Date limite de candidature
13 nov. 2024, 23:59:59
heure d’Europe de l’Est

Winter intake

Début des cours
4 févr. 2025
Postuler maintenant ! Semestre d'automne 2024
C'est une session continue. Les candidatures sont acceptées toute l'année.
Début des cours
16 sept. 2024
Postuler maintenant ! Semestre de printemps 2025
Date limite de candidature
13 nov. 2024, 23:59:59
heure d’Europe de l’Est

Winter intake

Début des cours
4 févr. 2025
Postuler maintenant ! Semestre d'automne 2024
C'est une session continue. Les candidatures sont acceptées toute l'année.
Début des cours
16 sept. 2024
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