Logo of Vilnius College of Design (VDK)

B.Sc.Graphic communication design

Frais de scolarité 2 307 € par semestre
Frais de candidature 100 € paiement unique
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The aim of the graphic communication design study program- to prepare a highly qualified graphic communication design specialist who knows the visual expression tools and principles required for his / her professional activity, based on historical development of art and design, modern visual language and art trends and technological innovations, using computer graphics programs, visual identity and other visual requirements expression skills, taking into account current innovations and possible future scenarios, and: the ability to collect, summarize and adapt the data needed to develop a communication product; able to enable design as a tool in formulating and addressing visual communication issues; able to create high-quality graphic communication design objects, initiate and implement creative graphic design projects.

Structure du programme

General college study subjects, other study subjects: Introduction to art history; Basics of project presentation; Photography and audiovisual basics; Basics of business management; Intercultural Communication / Basics of Entrepreneurship; Intellectual property law; Philosophy of Art / Psychology of the Creator.
Fields of study: Composition and color studies ; Introduction to typography; Specialized foreign language; Computer graphics; Drawing; Design methods and visual communication; History of design; Illustration; Packaging design; Branding and corporate identity; Printing technology and publication design; Typography and font; Interactive graphics; Visual Communication I; Visual Communication II; Design of publications; Electronic publishing; Gaming and game design; Advertising theory and practice; Creative portfolio preparation and career planning; Thesis; Educational creative practice; Specialty skills training practice; Academic writing practice; Individual study practice; Undergraduate practice.

Opportunités de carrière

Graduates who have completed the Graphic Communications Design study program and obtained a professional bachelor’s degree in arts can apply the acquired knowledge and skills in individual creative – practical, project activities and can provide various graphic design services in publishing, graphic design studios, creative advertising agencies, design and advertising studios and in other similar areas of activity. Carry out individual activities and professionally participate in design competitions and exhibitions.

Graduates of the graphic communication design study program have the opportunity to pursue a master’s degree at Lithuanian or foreign universities.

Postuler maintenant ! Semestre d'automne 2024
C'est une session continue. Les candidatures sont acceptées toute l'année.
Début des cours
16 sept. 2024
Postuler maintenant ! Semestre d'automne 2024
C'est une session continue. Les candidatures sont acceptées toute l'année.
Début des cours
16 sept. 2024