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This Master’s Degree in Video Game Design aims to train professionals specialized in pure design, so that when you finish it you will be able to create rules, mechanics, progress systems, levels, playable experiences and game economy. You will also learn how to prototype projects using industry-standard development tools, a key step in moving your ideas and designs into a playable environment.

During the master’s degree, you will be able to recreate the entire life cycle of a real project, following the different stages of development, putting into practice the knowledge and skills acquired in the subjects. In addition, you will experience different roles and positions, to know first-hand the needs and demands of each job profile in a video game development.

Structure du programme

1st Semester
Module 1. Design theory 6 ECTS

MDA framework (mechanics, dynamics, aesthetics)
Psychology applied to design
Game Feel
Challenge, risk and reward
Analysis and reflection on playable designs
Design documentation
Module 2. Development engines and tools 6 ECTS

Graphics engines
Physics engines
Creating scenes in Unity and Unreal
Prototyping with Blueprints and Visual Programming
Module 3. Design of 6 ECTS levels

Blocking and Tiered Architecture Principles
Levels of detail in creating environments
Game design focused on level design at the service of game design
Psychology of level design
Playable, narrative and experiential objectives when designing levels
Level prototyping
Module 4. UX design and interfaces 6 ECTS

Conveying messages, objectives and rules through gameplay design
Evaluating system performance using metrics
Usability applied to gameplay
Color theory
Digetic and extradiegetic interfaces
2st Semester
Module 5. Multiplayer, F2P and mobile game design 6 ECTS

Multiplayer game design
Casual Game Design
Data-driven design applied to video games
Psychology oriented to Free to Play
Economy design and progression Free to Play
Module 6. Advanced Design 6 ECTS

Game theory: strategies, theorems and systems of application to video game design
Balancing and balancing: statistics and tracking tools
System Design
Structure and progress
Pop-up gameplay
Experimental game design
Module 7. Gameplay and prototyping 6 ECTS

Animation in the design of mechanics and dynamics
Mechanical prototyping
Iteration and feedback
Combat design
Gameplay tips&tricks
Module 8. Professional internship (Optional) 6 ECTS

The professional internships will allow you to apply and experience the knowledge learned during the master’s degree, as well as confirm the viability of the actions carried out and the skills acquired in a real environment.
You can do your internship in any company in the video game sector or in centers subsidized by the University.
All this will be supervised by a company tutor and an academic internship tutor who will monitor your performance during the practical activity.
Module 9. Professional projects of video games of application in the company (Optional) 6 ECTS

Project management and agile methodologies
Production and management tools
Serious games
Module 10. Master’s Thesis 12 ECTS

Conceptualization of the project.
Design of the Game Design Document of the video game.
Techniques for the elaboration of a Vertical Slice of the video game focused on the playable and interactive components of the same.
Methodologies for bibliographic search and interpretation of extracted data.
Techniques for preparing academic documentation.
Techniques for communication and defense of the project.

Opportunités de carrière

Game Designer
Gameplay designer
Narrative Designer
Game economy and balancing designer
Level Designer
UX/UI Designer

Postuler maintenant ! Semestre d'automne 2024
C'est une session continue. Les candidatures sont acceptées toute l'année.
Début des cours
16 sept. 2024
Postuler maintenant ! Semestre d'automne 2024
C'est une session continue. Les candidatures sont acceptées toute l'année.
Début des cours
16 sept. 2024
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