Плата за обучение 3 727 € за год
Плата за рассмотрение заявления 150 € один раз
Предоплата 250 € один раз


Регистрационный взнос Уточняется

You need to choose an individual service package. Please contact the center curator or your agent and consult.
You can also familiarize yourself with packages baltic.study/en/packages

You become a part of student union and ambassador program automatically after you will get Base or Standard or VIP status.

*Do not forget to ask discount


The aim of the study programme Occupational Therapy is to educate and train specialists who would have comprehensive knowledge in occupational therapy, the basics of research, and practical skills required for the work of an occupational therapist, for the analysis of a person’s occupational performance, and for the formation of the aims and objectives of occupational therapy.

Структура программы

General university education subjects (Introduction to Studies, Professional Language (Latin
language, Lithuanian culture), Fundamental subjects in the study field (Phylosophy, Ecits, Psychology, Anatomy, Cytology, Genetics), First aid, Speciality subjects (Teaching methods in OT; Theory and Models of OT), PRACTICE I

Speciality subjects (OT for children with health disorders; OT in elderly and old age), General university education subjects (Professional foreign language), Fundamental subjects in the study field (Physiology, Pathology, Biomechanics, Rehabilitation), PRACTICE II

Speciality subjects (Human occupation and work; Problems of occupational performance and OT; OT in community), General university education subjects (Health and Medicine), PRACTICE III

Speciality subjects (Management of health care system and scientific research in OT; OT for
patients with mental disorders), PRACTICE IV, V, Preparation and Defence of Bachelor’s

Карьерные возможности


Apply for a license to practice
occupational therapy;

Continue your education by
entering master or PhD

Provide occupational therapy

Подать заявление! Осенний семестр 2024
Предварительный срок
1 июл. 2024 г., 23:59:59
Восточная Европа

Please ask your manager in Baltic Center about correct deadline for your country

Срок подачи заявлений
1 июл. 2024 г., 23:59:59
Восточная Европа

Autumn Intake

Начало обучения
16 сент. 2024 г.

Сроки подачи заявлений применяются к гражданам: Соединенные Штаты

Подать заявление! Осенний семестр 2024
Предварительный срок
1 июл. 2024 г., 23:59:59
Восточная Европа

Please ask your manager in Baltic Center about correct deadline for your country

Срок подачи заявлений
1 июл. 2024 г., 23:59:59
Восточная Европа

Autumn Intake

Начало обучения
16 сент. 2024 г.

Сроки подачи заявлений применяются к гражданам: Соединенные Штаты