Плата за обучение 2 400 € за программу


Not only new ideas. Not just managerial and strategic skills. New technologies and a reshaped competitive environment have radically changed the concept of a company and the way ventures are created, from the structure, to the processes, up to new professional roles, design innovations and emerging business models.
Fashion Entrepreneurs must be able to surf in the compelling waters of a new ocean: the one of a global venture-oriented fashion industry. A revolution that requires to link an entrepreneurial insight with a market opportunity and the competences of business design for getting a competitive edge. Let’s call it starting a new business

Структура программы

The didactic model proposed in the courses of Milano Fashion Institute is innovative: not only in-class lectures, but also case studies and best practices, project works and laboratory activities.

Карьерные возможности

Each course is suitable for undergraduates, young graduates, professionals and young managers who wish to deepen the most characteristic themes of the Fashion System and find targeted and solid career opportunities in this sector.

Подать заявление! Monthly entrollment 2024/25
Это непрерывный набор – заявления принимаются круглый год.
Подать заявление! Monthly entrollment 2024/25
Это непрерывный набор – заявления принимаются круглый год.
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